Cybersecurity: Tips & Tricks

With cybersecurity routinely in the news, one would think that criminals couldn’t fool anyone with their scams. However, one security firm, Atlas VPN, estimates cybercrime is a $1.5 trillion dollar … Read More

IoT Predictions for 2019

office space occupants

IoT is growing at an exponential rate including vehicles, wearable gadgets, RFID sensors and software advanced past basic function. These advancements will be more commonplace in our homes, businesses and … Read More

The Core of Building Security

Video surveillance has always been a core part of building security. Traditional security cameras have been transformed into an IP tool for better insight into security, safety, and human behavior. … Read More

Foundation to Smart Buildings

There isn’t one distinct thing a building can change to become “smart”. Buildings and its occupants are unique and require a unique approach. I’ll share with  you foundations of upgrading … Read More

Trending Phishing Scams of 2018

Phishing is a technique that involves tricking you into thinking you are on a secure website or responding to a legitimate business email to steal confidential information, passwords, etc. Phishing schemes … Read More

Technology at McKenney’s

 There has never been a more exciting time to be in technology. The pace of change is extraordinary, and you don’t have to look far to see how devices such … Read More

How to Secure Your Facebook Data

With all the national headlines about Facebook privacy one may think sharing your data is a new challenge. Yet, Facebook has always made its money selling your data to advertisers. Take 5 … Read More