Interiors & Special Projects Solving Renovation Needs

ISP_Web2McKenney’s, Inc. Interiors & Special Projects (ISP) team responds quickly to a wide range of mechanical needs, including interior renovations, infrastructure repairs, replacements and retrocommissioning projects. McKenney’s offers over six decades of proven success and experience to ensure your renovation needs are solved as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.


Single-source responsibility
The ISP team is your single point of contact, offering services and expertise for customers at every stage of a building’s lifecycle. They can leverage their full-service capabilities to improve operational efficiencies and control costs. McKenney’s single-source responsibility includes:

  • Tenant build-outs
  • Equipment replacement and system renovations
  • Design/build and design/assist services
  • Controls
  • Commissioning, start-up, retrocommissioning and problem solving
  • Maintenance and service


Ability to manage a wide range of projects
The McKenney’s ISP team helps contractors, end-users, building owners and managers optimize performance and meet specific requirements for a wide range of spaces by leveraging existing assets and incorporating new technologies and strategies. Whatever the size, McKenney’s ISP can build it. This team has the expertise and resources to deliver cost-effective, high-quality solutions that maximize comfort and performance in all types of spaces.

  • Smaller-scale projects
  • Larger-scale projects
  • Specialty projects


Interior renovations
Whether it’s a first-generation build-out or several renovations down the line, ISP ensures high-quality installation that’s fast and affordable for multiple venues, including:

  • Office spaces
  • Campuses (corporate and educational)
  • Studios, theaters and entertainment complexes
  • Fitness centers, cafes and other building amenities


Building infrastructure
Every building needs a strong foundation. They design the work, propose various solutions along with their cost and energy paybacks, manage the budget, and monitor the schedule to ensure your expectations are met without impacting your existing building tenants.


Energy studies and retrocommissioning
The ISP team can evaluate your building’s HVAC systems and suggest or implement modifications to solve issues you may have with your building operations and to ensure optimal energy efficiency.


To learn more, please visit  Or leave your questions below for our experts to answer.



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