Retrocommissioning Optimizes Mechanical Systems at Healthcare Facilities

Hospitals and other healthcare facilities depend on critical mechanical systems to run smoothly and efficiently. HVAC systems are one of the biggest energy users in a facility and provide indoor comfort for staff and patients by regulating temperature and humidity levels. This involves maintaining different temperature ranges in various areas of the facility, including operating rooms, labs, exam rooms, patient rooms, pharmacy, and food service areas.

The HVAC system also maintains acceptable air quality through proper ventilation. Many medical departments have specific requirements for ventilation, and poor indoor air quality can contribute to the transmission of infectious diseases, both viral and bacterial. High humidity levels also allow mold and mildew to grow on surfaces.

Maintaining Mechanical Systems

Mechanical systems in a healthcare environment require regular preventative maintenance. An HVAC system that goes down unexpectedly will have a negative impact on services, and systems that are not operational for extended periods can cause real disruption to services. McKenney’s recommends that critical mechanical infrastructure be on a schedule for regular maintenance. This helps reduce downtime by addressing small problems before they become major issues.

HVAC system components, both indoor and outdoor, should be routinely inspected, including fan motors, blowers, heat exchangers, evaporator coils, drain lines, electrical connections, and refrigerant levels. The ducts should also be checked for air leaks. McKenney’s can create a maintenance plan for critical infrastructure HVAC equipment that keeps things running reliably and efficiently with minimal site visits.

Benefits of Retrocommissioning Services

McKenney’s Retrocommissioning Services enable healthcare facilities to solve operational issues, improve energy efficiency, reduce operating costs, and plan for future capital and operating expenditures. This is ideal for aging facilities and buildings that were never properly commissioned. Our retrocommissioning team can help put a facility on the path to peak performance through engineering analysis, customizing a plan for energy and cost savings, and implementing the necessary improvements.

Analyze – We utilize simulation models and conduct onsite analysis to show actual vs. optimal performance. System deficiencies and problem areas are identified. Operational improvements and optimization in these areas can enhance performance and save energy costs.

Plan – A customized performance plan is created. Short- and long-term capital plans are developed to increase performance and add value.

Improve – Our services team will optimize current performance, maintain the improvements, and implement capital projects that have been identified.

Next Steps

Retrocommissioning heightens efficiency and puts mechanical systems at healthcare facilities on the path to peak performance. Contact us today for more information.

About Viral Desai


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