Conserving Energy One Step at a Time

captureMcKenney’s implemented a wide range of energy-saving initiatives for building operating systems at T3 Labs in Atlanta, Georgia.


The Challenge

Energy costs for the facility averaged more than $13 and 684 kBTU per square foot annually. McKenney’s believed it could reduce electric, gas and water costs by implementing sound engineering principles.


The Solution

The team at McKenney’s initiated projects incrementally to align building operating systems with facility requirements. Airflow was reduced by 30 to 50 percent in many areas served by the HVAC system, in part because equipment operating hours were cut in half. Reset schedules were initiated when more occupants were in the building and were recalculated to accommodate more reasonable temperatures and relative humidity. Components were repaired or replaces as needed to resolve building pressurization issues. The team also added water meters, harvested condensate water and used bdoc® Business Intelligence for Buildings to streamline retrocommissioning.


The Results

In the first few months, energy savings have exceeded 40 percent.


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About Matt Norman


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Matt Norman is the director of Energy Services at McKenney’s and is responsible for our energy-related management, engineering and commissioning teams. He regularly consults with building owners and managers who are seeking measurable energy efficiency gains through equipment right-sizing and advance system controls. Along with other notable projects, Matt’s portfolio includes the Duke Energy Center—the first-ever LEED® Platinum-certified commercial office building under the LEED Core & Shell rating system.

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