LEAN in Construction

LEANOn every job, we strive to identify and eliminate waste by implementing LEAN construction. We look for opportunities to use fabrication whenever practical, allowing us to decrease installation times on site, meet tighter schedules, and introduce optimal workflow in the field.


As part of our LEAN initiative, we encourage our field leaders to abide by the 30/30 Rule, which requires that all equipment, materials, tools and manpower necessary to complete a task be within 30 seconds or 30 feet of the installation site. This minimizes the space required to complete our work and the amount of movement around the site. We also practice short interval planning with our field leaders to ensure work is flowing in an orderly manner.


LEAN practices have also been applied in our fabrication facilities to help reduce lead times and increase productivity. By fabricating pieces just in time (JIT), we are able to help minimize job site clutter, eliminate the need to store items until they’re required, and meet aggressive project schedules. We are always looking for ways to eliminate waste, and the acronym DOWNTIME helps us remember the eight wastes common in manufacturing processes.

  • Defects/rework – not doing it right the first time.
  • Overproduction – making or purchasing too much of an item, or producing it too early.
  • Waiting – not being able to perform a task when ready.
  • Not using employee ideas or skills – keeping processes the same despite new ideas.
  • Transportation – moving materials more than needed.
  • Inventory – having too much of an item.
  • Motion – walking around or moving more than necessary to complete a task.
  • Extra processing – doing paperwork for the sake of doing paperwork.


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About Bryan Decker

Website: https://www.mckenneys.com

Email Address: bryan.decker@mckenneys.com

Bryan decker is the LEAN champion at McKenney's. He started his 12-year career in the U.S. Army in 1992, during which he was part of the Army Aviation Logistics team. In 2004, he transitioned to a civilian logistics role for Target Corp. Since then, Bryan has worked to optimize operations and supply chains through continuous improvement and LEAN principles.

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