Plumbing Preventive Maintenance in Commercial Buildings

iStock_000011059975LargeAre you washing cash down the drain with that plumbing problem or water leak? Our guess is that you probably are when there are preventive maintenance plans that can help you avoid costly water damage and the unexpected overflowing drain.

These types of plans cover many types of systems and are usually inexpensive compared with the costs to recover from a significant plumbing problem. But oftentimes this type of maintenance is usually only considered after costly water damage has occurred. If you are a facility manager, building owner or a property manager, you should strongly consider incorporating a plumbing preventive maintenance plan for your facility. Simple proactive plans can help you avoid insurance claims that affect your bottom line as well relationships with your tenants. A building’s mechanical and electrical systems are typically the major component of a property’s maintenance budget. We believe plumbing systems should be given the same consideration when planning a preventive maintenance budget. Plumbing preventive maintenance programs include inspections of drain lines and sewer systems, backflow testing and certification, grease traps, water heaters and boilers. Regular plumbing maintenance allows potential problems to be detected earlier and the associated cost to correct those problems is usually a fraction of the cost to recover from a water or sewer disaster.


How does this type of maintenance help you save?

Plumbing preventive maintenance can help you save money and energy. It can also aid in tenant retention, the life blood of your business. Standard plumbing preventive maintenance plans are typically easy on your budget when compared to similar programs for mechanical and electrical systems. This is a major factor when considering the cost to recover from plumbing system failures can be equal to or more than a failure of your mechanical or electrical systems.


Tips, tricks and considerations

When selecting a plumbing company for your facility, you should always make sure their plumbers are licensed and experienced. You should also inquire about the number of plumbers a company has on staff. This is an indicator of how responsive a company can be when you need them the most. A capable plumbing contractor should have the equipment needed to perform in all types of scenarios whether its routine maintenance or responding to an emergency. These include sewer-jetters, line cameras and even a backhoe if they are serious about taking care of any situation. Protect your investment and consider a plumbing preventive maintenance program for your facility.


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About Scott Brooks


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Scott Brooks is the Sales Manager in the Building Services Department and is responsible for our Account Manager team. Scott has over 20 years of experience in the HVAC service business consulting with building owners and managers regarding preventive maintenance programs of all types, equipment replacement and energy retrofit projects.

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